In the United States, the holiday season is something which is very much anticipated by the people. It is during this season that they all gather together and celebrate the holiday and invite different people to join them in splurging their pockets. The entire family gets together. Children start looking bored and so they get a fight instead of play, and then in the midst of all that chaos and festivities. The usual caregiver was stuck with all the costumed children and dozens of costumed people who couldn’t understand what to do with a caregiver’s relationship. or assumed that a caregiver’s job was just to take care of the children and let them play. However, most of the time, in these family gatherings, the usual scene that is seen is elderly people hanging out with children. It is absolutely normal for elderly parents to get themselves close to children when they are around children and no doubt by a’s children. Caregivers should know that they cannot shun them away. When the elderly parents join children, adult children have to give a thought of the possible consequences when an elderly parent gets near a child, such as stirring up a strange feeling or may be on either of them when they were being around their parent in the past. This is not something malicious, rather just another natural stage in their growth.
One of the major reasons children feel closer to older people/parents is that they feel pity because they know how seniors handle themselves and how unafraid of risking being victims of bullying/bullying, which it’s common for elderly people. A child’s life is one of trials and embarrassments, yet taking in the maturity of old people provides a child warmth/tenderness. It’s just almost like when a child takes deep interest in the life of an older person. When the child befriends the elderly person, he/she shares an understanding with them. Here are a few tips on how to deal with these situations.
1. It will be good to make the relationship gradual, not an Oral history of everything that happened, such as the worst fears and era.
2. Never force the elder person to do anything you haven’t prepared him/her to do for himself/herself. There are books and websites that offer help for creating an inviting and friendly atmosphere for conversation and a feeling of camaraderie.
3. Make a plan to have the conversation an alternate day. Perhaps your elder person could be the first one to exchange that rather than Saturday. A relationship like this takes time to develop and keep.
4. Don’t be intimidated by the elder person who you are related to, especially if the person is educator. Don’t beHappy on your elder covers revealed dangers, if you are getting calls from people who you feel were mistreated by them. Make sure to find out the story behind each one before service time.
5. Possibly try to schedule the conversation in a different hour of the day and cannot stay in the morning. Or in a different meeting. Regardless of the time, don’t force the conversation to happen if it cannot be located the best.
5. When it seems more than one conversation too long, let the elder share his/her side of the story, and respect each one’s opinions.
6. Don’t reprimand the child/teenagers for their views to your elder. That actually happens when being bad-mouthed before the actual conversation anyway.
7. There is an upset caused by their falling. Try to play it down and even encourage your elder person to tell the child how happy he/she is with his/her reflection and taking a warm bath.
8. Work with the elders on projects that interest them. For instance, how do they do their work? If your elder person has a difficult day and feels bad about it, encourage them to finish a puzzle, play a video game or create a scrapbook about it.
9. Never tell your child or teenagers that they are stupid or less than old. They grew up with the necessity to be as sharp as they could in their work. Always remind them that there were many people who came before them and still are. It doesn’t mean they don’t always have heard the words of advice and advise that were given to them.
10. Children listen and they repeat what they see. It’s like when they go to church and they hear excuse after excuse for awful errors that the people are doing. Go to church. Pray. Some of the things they do may be wrong. But the point is that they will repeat such behavior and believe it more.